Church Staff
Rev. Freddy Fritz
Senior Pastor
Melissa Bayley
Office Administrator
Ashleigh Kemp
Director of New Tampa Christian Academy
Leadership Team
The church Session consists of the pastor, associate pastor(s), if any, and the ruling elders of a church. The pastor, by virtue of his office, functions as the moderator of the Session. Pastors are teaching elders; they preach, teach, and administer the sacraments. Ruling elders are elected by the congregation and are responsible for the supervision of the spiritual life of the church, including ministries, worship, budgets, pastoral care, and discipline. The Session meets monthly, or more often as needed.
Those currently serving on the Session are:
Rev. Freddy Fritz (Pastor and Moderator)
Rev. Scott Simmons (Assistant Pastor)
Ed Jordan (Clerk of Session)
Todd Bayley
Waldo Kemp (REIT)
Andrew Otero (REIT)
Rich Thompson
Bert Barber (Emeritus)
Joe Kirkpatrick (Emeritus)
Ken Pothoven (Emeritus)
The Deacons are responsible for the administration of our mercy ministries, providing physical and financial aid and prayer to those in need in our congregation as well as in our local community. They refer special prayer needs to our church prayer chain. TBPC mercy ministries also provide financial support to such international parachurch organizations as World Relief. The second area of diaconate responsibility is providing direct management of our church finances, with accountability to the Session. The third area of responsibility is maintenance of buildings and grounds. The Diaconate meets monthly, or more often as necessary.
Those currently serving on the Diaconate are:
David Cross (Chairman)
Jonathan Massie (Treasurer)
Michael Rush (DIT)
TBPC Ministry Leadership Teams
The TBPC Leadership team, which meets quarterly, comprises those men and women who lead the various ministry teams in our congregation. Collectively they coordinate our ministry area life, support one another, and regularly report to the Elders, Deacons and congregation on their respective annual ministry goals and accomplishments.
Brunch Bunch: Alisa Carrier
Hospitality: Joan Kosanovich
Nursery: Stephanie Smoot
The Workshop Ministry: Melissa Bayley & Stephanie Smoot
Prayer: Freddy Fritz
Adult Bible Fellowships: Ed Jordan
Children's Ministries: TBD
Men's Bible Study: Rod Proctor
Men's Ministry: Brian Carrier
Women's Ministry: Brandi Shultz
Women’s Bible Study: Debbie Jordan & Eileen Fritz
Youth: Bert Barber
Ministry Deployment: LeeAnn Destefano
English as a Second Language (ESL): Karen Cross
Missions: Rev. Scott Simmons
New Tampa Christian Academy (NTCA): Ashleigh Kemp
Greeters: Brian Carrier
Music: Yanet Ortiz
Worship: Freddy Fritz
Ushers: Jennifer Schumm