The TBPC Youth Ministry is named PHOS, which stands is Greek for LIGHT.
PHOS seeks to encourage and equip students to become L.I.G.H.T.
In their world, PHOS students strive to:
Love one another in fellowship (Jn 13:34-35)
Invite others to follow Christ, (Rom 1:16)
Give of themselves in service, (Mk 10:45)
Honor the Lord in everything, and (1 Cor 10:31)
Train to follow the call of God. (Phil 3:8-14)
Students are challenged through leadership models, discipleship groups, retreats, summer camps, missions trips, service projects, Bible studies, youth rallies and social events - all aimed at fostering an environment for LIGHT. PHOS is a partnership with parents intent on helping them fulfill their God-given responsibilities to spiritually nurture their children.
Youth Sunday School: Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School classes do not meet during the summer months. During the regular year, they meet every Sunday before the worship service at 9:15 am.
Events: Events are scheduled throughout the year and are posted on our event calendar.